Home of the new Herschell Gordon Lewis projects

Sunday, July 16, 2006

From the Producer's Desk

I've been going through the script this weekend, and making a few tweaks here and there. Kind of like taking a fine grade of sandpaper to the finish to give a smooth feel before that last coat of poly. Rewriting is fun and it's a pain. Sometimes you really have to pick nits and other times you have to bring in the chainsaw to show the writer what they need to accomplish. Jeff's been good about when I've had to do either, which is not an easy task because when you're rewritten the first thing that crops into your head is, "what did I do wrong?"

It's not that simple - ever.

After it's done, I'll do the final (ha!) budget and go from there. (This is my 3rd final budget)

In the meantime as we finalize all of the details and shop the project, we are also developing another project with Herschell...

I will not have a day off for the rest of my natural life.

-- Bill

Thursday, July 06, 2006

"The Pope of Trash" Praises "The Godfather of Gore"

"I first saw Blood Feast at the Timonium Drive-In when I was a kid, and when they handed me the vomit bag I knew I had a mentor forever." -John Waters

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Gore-met Script Update

So Jeff O'Brien has turned in his latest draft of the script and I can feel we're getting close. A few tweaks here and there and some minor productions issues addressed, and I think we'll be there.

That is until the first table reading and all the dialogue gets thrown out.

But, that's okay because that's the nature of screenplays - they are fluid documents - subject to change and evolution. They are revised to fit the plan (and in case you didn't get it, the plan is to make as kick-ass a movie as we possibly can).

I'm finding being an editor for the script is exercising a few mental muscles (and a few social skills) that I didn't know I posessed, telling a great story (what inspired all of us in the first place) on our budget. This has got some intense stuff in it - sick, gory, and damn funny - all at the same time. There's a reason this is filmed in Vomit-O-Vision (TM) - it will be a wild ride!

Does anyone know where I can rent a "Cleavage - Cam?"

-- Bill